Finally! I can't believe it has been over a month since I last posted. That's absolutely ridiculous. I am going to throw out a challenge to us all to see if we can post at least once a week. That goes for everybody!! Starting now. Daily is definitely too much, but there is no reason why we can't carve out 10 minutes once a week to update everyone on our lives.
Well, now that that's settled (and 5 of my 10 minutes is used up), I will try to very quickly update on the latest. Now that the holidays are over and the weather is so freakin yucky, my kids have been going completely stir crazy. Therefore, I have enrolled Noah and Hannah in some martial arts classes and Hannah and Faith will also be doing gymnastics. I am hoping that these activities will help all the kids with some discipline issues as well as provide them with some different ways to use up their energy other than picking on each other at home. I know, I know, all I can do is hope, right? So that's where we're at with the kiddos these days.
Additionally, we have been working on some more remodeling around the house as of late. Well actually it's more of just a never ending project around here, I guess. The pics posted here are of the downstairs bathroom. Newly primed, textured, and painted a pretty beigy color. I love it. Of all people, I know Morgan would appreciate this considering that this was her bathroom all last summer. For those of you who don't know this, the former color was a very, very bright blue. We are extremely excited to be rid of it, let me tell ya.
Well, that's all I have time for for the moment. Once again, I challenge you all to post at least once a week. Let's get reconnected people.