Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Fitness Log Days 3 and 4

Just wanted to post a quick blog regarding my workout status the past couple days. It's more or less just so I can keep track of my progress. Yesterday I did another 30-minute dance aerobic session in the early morning. Later on in the afternoon Hannah and I went on a 20-minute bike ride together. I really love the idea of incorporating my workouts into some good time with the family. I know it's important also to teach my kiddos the importance of being healthy!.

Speaking of healthy, I am not. I have caught a dumb cold. UGH. Needless to say, I did not do any sort of workin out today. It was enough just to get through the normal stuff of driving kids to and fro and blah, blah, blah. I've been guzzling the water like crazy, though, so hopefully this bug will be kicked soon!

Pics to come the next time I post, I promise. And not fat swimsuit ones either!

Nighty night!