Friday, July 18, 2008

My New (Old) Best Friend

I have formed a new relationship with my television. Now, for those who know me well, you know that me and t.v. already get along great. In fact, I have at least one, if not two or three, shows that I watch on a nightly basis. Thank goodness for DVR, that's all I have to say. Otherwise, I would probably never get off the couch!!!!! LOL!

No, but seriously, over the past few weeks I have rediscovered the wonder that is On Demand television. Namely, Exercise TV. I LOVE IT. I have never been a huge fan of going to the gym and having to work out in front of a bunch of strangers, nor do I love having to spend the money in order to do so. On the other hand, I have pretty good drive when it comes to working out at home, whether it be on my treadmill or with a good old-fashioned workout video. So, that said, I have been trying some awesome new workouts from Exercise TV as of late and absolutely love it. It's so great to be able to change up my routine so I don't get bored with doing the same video over and over again. And the coolest thing of all is that it is absolutely free. My new fave is yoga. I never before understood what all the hype was about. Now I know. Yoga is so unbelievably hard. I LOVE IT!!! I absolutely love when I am so sore that I can barely move because then I know that I got a great workout. Some of these muscles have not been used in years, I bet!!!!

So anyway, I am officially back on the fitness train and so excited. I've even kicked it up a notch and added a diet. Amazing, I know. I gotta say, I feel so much better and am looking forward to looking fab for Cancun in October.

Bye for now!!!!!


Just a girl and her thoughts said...

Dang, I thought you were going to say you watch something good like Big Brother. What a let down post.... hehehe

Just a girl and her thoughts said...

I'm in the process of being diagnosed with endometriosis. In fact, had my ultrasound today, will get the results on thursday and then schedule for laparoscopy (and biopsy and possible scar tissue removal) after that. It sucks, its very painful!