Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thought I'd put up a few more pics from our vacation. (FYI: The guy in the funny hat pic is Marshall, of course)

Gorgeous waterfall at the resort next door. We snuck over there a few times to snap some shots.
The sand took forever to come off. (There might still be some in my ears!)
He he!!!Believe it or not this was my idea and something we just had to do while we were there.
Getting buried alive.
Awesome shot of Brian and Marshall. Couple of handsome fellas.
Probably my favorite thing we did on the island. Super relaxing.
Pic from the island, Isla Mujeras. They have a zip line where you can go from hut to hut above the ocean. Pretty cool!
Brian and the good-natured Mexican.
Coco Bongo is the Vegas-type show they have in Cancun, which features acts like Madonna, Michael Jackson, Elvis, etc, etc, etc. So GOOD!
Had to throw in another of my sunrise over the ocean pictures. I could look at that view forever.
There is a video to go along with this one that will have you all rolling on the floor. Hilarious!
I am a HUGE fan of lighthouses.
Brian striking a pose.
Before we were completely covered.


Mindi said...

I'm so jealous, next time Dave and I definitely want to go too. I can't believe the views and I'll for sure be swimming with the dolphins.

morgantyan said...

I love the pic of your heads. Too funny!!