Tuesday, April 8, 2008


I figured I would let everyone know about a little problem I've been seeing on these blogs. If you ever see on your blog or anyone else's comment page an entry similar to "kazir" click here or here,
with the "here's" underlined, ABSOLUTELY DO NOT CLICK ON THE "HERE'S." This is a virus of some sort. I caught it from someone's blog already and was lucky enough to be able to repair it. The name will not always be "kazir," but it will be similar and will not be a name that you would recognize.

I repeat, these are not legitimate comments and will result in your computer contracting a virus.

Just givin you all a head's up!!!!!!!


Just a girl and her thoughts said...

Thanks for the heads up! I saw that on Nicholes blog and I did click on it but nothing happened to me. Of course I am super loaded with anti-virus stuff. Well, my computer is, I'm coming down with a cold...lol!

Just a girl and her thoughts said...

Hey Smelly! Can you tell Nichole to invite me to be a reader on her blog so I can add her? It won't let me now for some reason. (?) Maybe that virus thingie? Anyways, thank yoU!

morgantyan said...

Hey tell Nichole to add me too please. morgantyan@yahoo.com