Thursday, October 4, 2007


Well you know you're a true "mom" when you find yourself able to touch things like bugs and such. Yesterday, I was upstairs doing the dishes when I heard this blood-curdling scream. Now Hannah sometimes likes to overdamatize things, so I didn't immediately rush to her aid. I kind of waited, listening to see if the screaming would subside or escalate. It turned out to be the latter. So, as the caring, concerned mother that I am, I rushed down the stairs to the back door where I found Hannah bent over staring at something on the floor. It turned out to be six somethings. Six ewy, gewy, squiggly, wiggly worms. They were in this gewy goopy stuff trying very hard to nestle themselves into my carpet. I must admit that I was impressed with my ability to be calm, cool, and collected during this ordeal. While about six kiddos looked on, I proceeded to pick up each and every worm (with my bare hands) and deposit them nicely outside. Don't ask me how our house ended up "infested" with worms, I have no idea. Although Noah seems to think that they must be the worms that he caught a couple months ago with his friend and has not been able to find since , which is highly unlikely. One good thing to come out of this: I think my son was really proud to have a mom who wasn't afraid of a little worm. (Little did he know).


NICHOLE said...

Wow...You are one brave momma. I know I could not have touched any of those worms. I would have been the one with the blood curdling scream! I hate bugs, spiders and worms! You are right about how babies make anything exciting...but your blondies are too cute!! By the way...WHERE ARE YOUR PICTURES??? I would love to see some, please!? I will look forward to seeing your post tomorrow(about anything...heck I post about me napping).

saucysosville said...

Yucky worms. I could not have touched them, I gotta give you props for being brave.